Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Gerow: Dolce & Gabbana

In this advertisement there are four guys standing around a guy and a girl. The one man is on top of the female in what seems to be a sexual position. The five guys and the female seem to be young, attractive, and into fashion. They are dressed well and the two man that have their shirts off are in very good shape. As the male and the female are in what seems like a sexual position it seems as though the other four men are looking on.

In this advertisement once again we see the male in a superior and more powerful role. It seems as though he is holding the female down and almost forcing her to be there. He is trying to look her in her eyes but it seems she is trying to look away. This advertisement is trying to tell young males that if they buy into their product then they too can have this kind of power. Not only are they trying to portray that you can have power in relationships, but also take something like sexual actions out of private and boast it in front of your friends. The message this company is sending to its audience is one that goes against everything love and romance is suppose to be about. It takes the private and makes it public. It shows that love and romance doesn't have to be hidden anymore, and if your a true man with power then you can get your female to do whatever you say. What kind of message does this send to the male audience about what kind of power they should have in a relationship? Is this advertisement trying to portray women as objects in a relationship and not people anymore? How should women feel about this companies portrayal of the women's role in a relationship.

1 comment:

  1. I love the questions you ask at the end. This ad does show a lot of male dominance and it does send out a message that man should be a dominant figure in relationships. It take love and romance and turns it into something sexual and public. This would also work very well with your primary source analysis essay.
