Monday, September 27, 2010

HUSTON:Primary Source #1:AU10

15 lyrics by Taylor Swift">"Fifteen"

The song "Fifteen" by Taylor Swift begins by describing the experience of being a freshman in high school. The media has done a fabulous job of making young teens feel as if high school is the center of the universe, and if you don't fit in, the world will come to an end. She continues on to talk about how every freshman girl dreams of being noticed by a senior boy, as if being "loved" by a boy will make her four years of high school less painful.
The lyrics deal with the reality of being young and naive. If you're fifteen and "somebody tells you they love you, you're gonna believe them". It shows how the media has warped us into thinking that the best guy we deserve is the football star, regardless of what kind of person he may be. All that any young teen wants is to be wanted, which can lead to some poor choices that we can look back on later in life and see the cold, hard truth of the matter. Taylor Swift is trying to empower young girls to stand up to the ideals the media teaches them are right and to just take a deep breath and hold out for the "real" love that will find you once you "find who you're supposed to be".

Post By;
Katie Huston


  1. I'm sorry, my hyperlink didn't work & I am unsure why. Here is the website:

  2. I like the fact you used this song as one of your blog posts and I totally I agree with your response. The media has been influencing young people to "fit in" in a number of ways through ads, television, and the internet. This has led to many bad choices that kids end up regretting. The youth need to stand strong and ignore the misguided messages the media is sending them. They need to wait for the real love that awaits them.

  3. Your analysis was excellent and very well thought out, and I agree with what Matt said. These pressures that the media puts on high school kids usually lead to regrettful descisions.
