In Carl's Jr Paris Hilton Ad Spicy and Smart, the ad shows Paris Hilton dressed in almost nothing in a bathing suit that shows off a lot of her body, holding a cheeseburger in her hand. Her hair looks to be blowing in the wind and she is on her knees with a seductive look on her face. She is next to a black car and her bathing suit is black. This ad is advertising mostly to men. The color black could represent sex and seductiveness. The car also pulls in mens attention because most men love cars. This ad would make men want to buy this burger because this ad is saying one can get women like Paris if one buys this burger. Paris Hilton is also a celebrity and this also attracts men and womens attention because people look up to Paris and want to be like her. This ad shows how today, sex sells in society. This ad plays off of things that men like, and men like attractive women, cars, and food. This ad could also attract women because women will see this ad and get a message that men could find them attractive like they find Paris attractive if they get this burger. This add also gives a message to women that to be attractive to men, one must wear little clothing, have a skinny body, and to act sexually and seductively. This message demeans women in a way because it is saying that to be attractive in today's society, one must look and act in a way Paris is acting. How does this ad effect women in society today? Would this ad have a different effect if a celebrity was not in the image?
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