Sunday, November 7, 2010

Blog Presentation 4

Our link to the blog:

Our blog is from and is a love and relationship advice blog. It covers a wide range of categories but we are focusing specifically on the topic of divorce. This source takes on the rhetoric of love in pop culture because many people today are in love, and get married, but are not prepared for the problems they face in the marriage. We are focusing on the breakdown of love, and the troubles and difficulties of love.

The blog helps people who have been through a bad break up, divorce, or relationships heal. It also helps married people look at their relationship and gives them advice for fixing problems or worries in their relationship. The blog helps people figure out if they should leave a relationship or if they should try to work on it.

The authors of the blog are a married couple, Susie and Otto Collins. They are relationship coaches as well as life partners. It is interesting because both partners in the marriage are giving the advice together, rather than just the man or the women giving advise.

This source was found through google. A site was found which gave the top ten blog sites for women. We thought this blog looked interesting and choose it as our source. While it was on a site which gave the top ten blog sites for women this blog is targeted toward both men and women.

Some questions to consider are:

What are your views about divorce in society today?

If one cheats on their partner in a relationship, do you feel they should stay together?

How has the view of marriage changed over time?

Do people have a different perception of love in todays society than people in the past have?

Why do you think divorce rates have went up in recent times?

Do you feel that a marriage can be saved?

Do you agree with the advice their giving?

Do any articles stand out to you? Why?

Keep in mind to post pone judgment until the end and to read through everything first. Also keep in mind that they are mainly writing to an audience who is having relationship troubles, or who has gone through a divorce or bad breakup.

By Samantha Ward, Andrew Gerow, Katie Rubadue, and Jennifer Caron


  1. Marriage and love today is differenet from what it was in the past. I feel like the standards for marriage and how highly society looks at people in a relationship is different from before. The people that are in a married relationship want so much from the person they are married to. I think that if society didn't expects so much from the each other in a relationship, then many more marriages would last.

  2. I believe divorce in society today is occuring more often than it should. I specifically read the article "3 Ways to Avoid Divorce and Make Your Marriage Better." Things such as giving up the need to be right, making connection a priority, and rekindling excitement should really help. I believe verything possible should be done in order to try and save a marriage. However, the only instance in which divorce might be necessary is when one partner is unfaithful or does something immoral. Otherwise, marriage is a promise for life to be there no matter what.

  3. I chose to read the post titled, "Relationship Advice For Deciding Whether To Stay Or Go." Although this article does provide realistic advice, I also find their advice to be something that most people would find as common sense. It seems almost pointless to write an article like this becasue every situation is going to be extremely personalized and different circumstances, where as this article is extremely generalized.
    In response to your question of whether a cheating couple should stay together, I'd say probably not, depending on the severity of the cheating. Once an issue like that comes up, the trust will have to be restored which might never be completely possible.

  4. The article about Jon and Kate Gosselin really stood out to me. I think it was an interesting topic to choose because they had a very public divorce. In the article they talk about how Jon and Kate could have saved their marriage. I think that this article shows one reason why divorce rates have gone up in recent times. It seems to me that people have started to mix up their priorities in life. People's relationships come behind some other trivial things. For example, Kate prioritized the television show over her marriage, and therefore her marriage eventually fell through. I feel like marriage can be saved if both people put each other first and make the effort to save it. A good marriage requires the cooperation of both people.

  5. I feel that marriage can be saved in certain circumstances. If each person truly still loves each other in the same way, then yes I think it can be saved. However, its different for other relationships who perhaps just realize they were different people than who they thought they were, perhaps there are some abuses going on in the relationship. These relationships seem to be the ones that do not end up working out or getting saved. I don't think that all marriages should be saved either. Sometimes if problems are that serious, then I think sometimes it is a strong indication that the couple is not meant to be together. This depends on the severity of the problems. I think its important to make sure that you love this person for who they really are, and not who you want them to be.

  6. Sicong Hua
    I think divorce in cociety today is very normal, because females have more choices than before and they have proved that they should be respected just like males.
    I don't think they should stay together because trust and honest are the most fundamental thing for keeping the relationships between partners.
    In the past, people viewed marriage as a constrained thing and both of the spouses need to keep it.Nowadays people tend to be feel free about it.
    I think people have a different perception of love in todays society than people in the past.
    Because people tend to think more about themselves and what they are pursuing is happiness. That might be the reason to cause the rising rate of the divorce rates.
    I don't think a marriage can be saved. once the problems appear, the best way to solve it is to break up the relationships.
    Kind of agree with theadvice their giving.
    I don't think any articles canstand out to me because I lack the expriences of love and marriage.

  7. Why do you think divorce rates have went up in recent times?
    I think that the divorce rates have gone up recently because there are many people who may get pregnant or jump into a relationship way too soon, then after a year or two or three or less they realize that it was a mistake. That there was no main reason for them to get married other than having a child. Also, with a lot of long term relationships starting young, in high school, they may feel like it’s an obligation to stay together, that since they’ve been together this long that they need to stay together, mainly because they don’t know what it’s like to be with someone else, to form a better, more healthy relationship with someone else.
    If one cheats on their partner in a relationship, do you feel they should stay together?
    If someone cheats on their partner in a relationship it should be over. That’s crossing the line, a line that shouldn’t be returned to. It breaks the trust barrier. If they cheat on you, what’s to say that they won’t hurt you in many other ways? There’s nothing stopping them for continuing on cheating. The relationship will only get worse.

  8. I think this a good blog posting, it informs people that they can always receive help. I think the source is very reliable and important. The blog and source connects to the audience because its contemporary matter, not only that its been around for a while. Its quite interesting that a married couple are giving advice with the same ideas and beliefs.

  9. I think that the topics of many of the articles illustrate the changes in marriage over time just by the titles themselves. The fact that there needs to be advice about how to stop an affair before it starts, and when the "right time" is to leave shows that there are many issues in marriages today. Years ago people got married and they never even considered leaving each other, divorce was just not part of the culture and now more and more marriages are ending in divorce. I read the article about "Relationship advice for deciding whether to stay or go" I found this article interesting because it gave the person some questions to think about, and these questions seem like they would help them to put their issues into perspective, and decide whether or not it is worth possibly ruining others lives.
    In response to the question about cheating, I think that if someone cheats on another than that relationship should be over because frankly once someone cheats once they usually won't stop since they realize that they can get away with it. In the end staying with someone that has cheated on you is just going to end up hurting you more.

  10. Matt brings up a good point that marriage is a promise for life. And most of us would consider marriage just this, a promise to our significant other that we will be with them for the rest of our lives. But with divorce rates so high this is clearly no the case. Have people lost this meaning of marriage in today's society? Or does marriage have a new definition? If so what definition would you put on marriage?

  11. I feel that situations and problems in marriages are case by case issues but overall I think a lot of them have to do with selfishness. That is not something that has changed necessarily, it has always been but I think it has gotten worse. I think people want the relationship while it is convinient for them and while they are getting something out of it. When it starts to get rough and they have to sacrifice more or they don't agree on something they just want to get out. They don't want to give anything, they just want to get. I think that marriages take a lot of work. I have seen people in my family work through problems and after tough times things got better and I have also seen people run away turning to divorce. I am very much against divorce and feel that someone cheating on you is not grounds for immediate divorce and separation. I know it is a painful thing but I think that unconditional love can be shown and relationships can be mended. I am not saying I think people should stay in an abusive relationship, and I understand that there are situations that warrant divorce but in general I think many marriages could be mended in today's society.

  12. You guys make some interesting points. A lot of you are touching on the fact of how it is not only easy to get a divorce, but also more acceptable in our society today. Reading through all the posts I was thinking the same thing as andy, and going off of any... What do you think our change in culture says about marriage? Do you think marriage is not taken as seriously as it was before? It is possible that people don't think as heavily on the decision of getting married because they know they can always get out of it?

  13. Everyone is making very good points about the blog. Many of you state that one should do anything possible to save a marriage. Some of you have said even if one cheats, one should try to save the marriage , but others of you disagree. This makes an interesting discussion because it would be hard to gain back the trust of your partner once you have cheated. Has cheating become more common in marriage? Is this one of the reasons divorce rates have gone up in society today? should one really do whatever it takes to save a marriage?

  14. I chose to read "When is the RIGHT Time to Leave?" This article basically tells people that they should first try very hard to work through the probblems in the relationship, but if the problems cannot be resolved then the relationship should be left for dead. This is excellent advice becuase there are so many people who are unhappy with the life they are living becausen they are afraid to leave their relationship where they nolonger love or even like the other person anymore. There are alot of people who are afraid of major changes, but what they fail to realize is that if they make this change, then their lives will be so much better. That is what the article is saying and I beilive that it is great advice.

  15. It seems that the more common an occurrence, the more acceptable it is in society. This reveals a problem because if something negative becomes more and more prevalent, like divorce for instance, there are far reaching negative impacts. One is that marriage has a diminishing significance and another is that there's nothing wrong with leaving someone to whom you've committed your entire life to.

  16. The marriage rate goes higher because (maybe...) women are becoming more independent economically, which is actually not a bad thing. The fast food culture of the world generally leads to faster dicisions of getting married and similarly faster divorce. (Marriage is not really a video game that you can quit whenever you want to and resume later!)
    I believe that the kids are really great links that bond the husband and the wife. And commitment and certain level of tolerance between the couple is also essential. Also, learn some tricks that makes your love and marriage fresh!

  17. Nowadays, divorce is not the same as it was 50 or 100 years ago and that is because we are in a time that divorce rate are increasing in western society and people seem to see it normal situation. Instead of scraching our heads and asking ourself what is causing people to divorce each other? That being said, I believe people should now marry a person who you believe that you truly understand, even if it means getting to know the person whole family and also getting to know the background of your love one. Some of the articles I read are not bad advices but I believe that you truly have to get to know a person and I am not talking about dating the person but understand where he or she is come from(background history) and also if your married fulfill that promise that you took for your one.

  18. Divorce is definitely a touchy subject in todays society. Divorce has seemed to become more and more common and it definitely makes us question relationships. The article "Relationship advice for whether to stay or go" was interesting because it kept staying together as a option. The article has 4 questions to ask the people in the relationship. Among the four things to consider is other people affected and by considering the fact that the two people might be strong enough to get through this.

  19. It makes me sad to think of the number of marriages that end in divorce in todays society. The fact is that the divorce rate continues to grow at time goes on. When I was on the blog there was a post that gave advice on how to avoid divorce.The post gave three main suggestions in order to help people avoid divorce. The advice that I found most interesting was to give up always being right. This ended up making a lot of sense to me because relationships are about giving and taking, and a common balance is needed in order to keep the relationship functioning. Divorce is something that is bwcoming like a social norm in today's society so I think that putting advice out there to people is a good way to help control the situation.

  20. We have way, way, way too high of a divorce rate today. It seems, if anything, a consequence of more and more people being more independently-minded (or selfish, depending on how you want to look at it) in today's society in comparison to the society of previous generations. There are other factors, of course, like the changed role of the wife to the husband which is more partnership and less subservience, and the huge stigma that was once attached to divorce having been almost entirely eliminated. There's really only one way around the high-divorce rate problem, which is easier said than done: before a couple commits to any marriage, they both must be completely, positively sure that the other person is right for them and will remain right for them. That doesn't just mean getting to know your significant other 110% before marriage. It also means knowing yourself 110% and knowing whether you will be able to remain happy with the partner and willing to suppress any and all inclinations that would lead to divorce, including the inclination to cheat and the inclination to anger or unreasonable behavior -- and knowing that this'll be possible in the long term.
