Ashleymadison.com is a new dating website on the internet. Dating sites have become something that is common in todays world and there are many of them out there. However this site has gone over board with their slogan. In the advertisement their is a man and women that seem to be intimate with each other. However it is not the scene of this man and women that stick out in this advertisement. It is the slogan in bold white print that draws everyones attention. The slogan reads "Life is short, have an affair." This is a very risky slogan for ashleymadison.com to post on one of their advertisements. However, in todays world this might not seem as such an extreme advertisement. In todays world, divorce rates are higher than they have ever been and cheating while your in a marriage occurs more. Marriage is clearly not viewed in the same way as it use to be because the divorce rates have went up. If a dating website can have a slogan like this and still be able to get service then there is obviously something wrong with our society. Marriage is suppose to be a promise to your significant other that you will be with them for the rest of your lives. However, this website thrives on people breaking this promise to their significant other. This website makes it sound as if affairs are perfectly fine and there is no problem with them happening. The thing I find most disturbing is that this dating service is still up and running and people obviously don't have a problem with it. This shows that our society has changed over time and we don't value marriage and love as we use to. This advertisement gives off the sense that affairs are acceptable and people buy into this idea. They make it sound as if everyone is doing it so you should to. Even though they might have an advertisement that is getting customers I still believe that they are sending the wrong message, and we should realize this.
I've heard of this site before in conversation, but I never really looked into it at all. I'm shocked. Inevitably affairs will always happen as long as there is monogamy. But society ought to be discouraging it as much as possible, not legitimizing it and facilitating it through a site like this. Although Ashleymadison clearly has the right to facilitate married people to solicit one another for affairs, the people who run this site are very morally reprehensible. If you're going to cheat on a spouse, don't get married to begin with. Easier said than done, yes, but a far better alternative than whatever conditions created a market for this website to exist.