The swagger wagon ad, is an ad that as humor and at the same time it is making fun of hip-hop videos. For example, the video starts with black and white with a hip-hop beat in the background playing through out the video. And the women with blond hair, wearing a stripe shirt and a necklace, starts to say as her head moves "Where is my mothers-fathers at?". She tends to not use bad-words whereas hip-hop videos use it a lot in their videos.
There are more where they imitate hip-hop videos, for instance, look at (0.59sec or 1:04) where stacks of disappears falling from the air in a slow motion, whereas in hip-hop videos they're stacks of money falling in a slow motion. Or the part where the father is sitting down with his daughter, playing tea party (1:11). In that particular part were he is wearing a girls hat, with a flower at the top of the hat and flurry scarf, kills his masculine side especially when he says "...drinking my tea, keeping my pinky up" and then we see him bending down a little for the camera, as he looks straight into the camera and then he throws his pinky finger up in the air as if it is a gang sign.
At the end of the video (2:00), where the guy brushes his wife shoulders off to indicate no haters are close enough or at her level. And at the same time the wife is holding her daughter by the hands and then she looks away with the look of, "that is right" and if you just look behind them where they lending against a black Toyota sienna. This shows that the Toyota sienna are up there and no other van/wagon are close enough or good enough as sienna.
P.s.. this brushing the shoulder off is very famous even Obama does it to Hillary, showing that she is not up there with him (very funny video).
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