Calvin Klein advertisements are known to push the boundries by being overly sensual and lustful. This advertisement is no exception. The only clothing worn by the models in this ad are Calvin Klein jeans. The way the woman in the advertisement is postitioned gives the advertisement a sexual undertone. The way she is arching her back and touching the male makes it seem like this advertisement is trying to show an attraction there and also that Calvin Klein jeans makes one more attractive to the opposite sex. The woman is touching the mans jeans in this advertisement as well which also shows the added attraction because he is wearing Calvin Klein jeans. The positioning of the man's hand also shows sexuality in this advertisement and could mean that he is attracted to her because of the jeans she is wearing. This advertisement could lead many people who see it with many questions such as would this advertisement be just as effectful if the two people in it were wearing more clothing besides Calvin Klein jeans? Or would this advertisement be less effectful if the woman was not on top of the man or not touching him?
Hi Jen,
ReplyDeleteAs we've spoken about, part of understanding the rhetoric of a piece is understanding the ideal audience of a text. How might this ad appeal to a certain demographic? What kind of assumptions are the creators relying on concerning their audience and their wants?