Sunday, November 28, 2010

Rihanna, Te Amo

The song is controversial at the first sight as it seems be about a woman who confesses that she is in love with her. Well, I don’t really consider it wrong if you say that the song is about a woman breaking up with a man but she was telling him she loves him and Rihanna is singing from the man's perspective. No matter how we interpret it, it seems interesting that Rihanna is depicting the dark side of love in Te Amo as well as Russian Roulette. Instead of focusing on how it feels when we fall in love with someone, Rihanna focuses on how love fails.

The song is about being held too close to someone, sometimes you just need your own space. In this song, the female being sung about is obviously in love with the narrator, but they don't feel the same way. The narrator asks what Te Amo means, saying: "Doesn't it mean I love you?" giving the sense of confusion, like they have never felt love at all, or if they couldn't imagine the female actually loving the narrator.If you believe that the narrator is female, the story takes the path of friends dancing, and the one admitting to the other that she loves her.If you believe that it is a male narrator, he could be looking to have some fun, but then finding that the female has fallen for him.The main thing to realize is that just because it's a female singer, doesn't mean that it has to the voice of female – I think that is probably the nature of a tale, poetry and lyrics ...The lesbian issues within this song reminds me of Katy Perry’s song fireworks that also contains some same sex love things. Just let them are. Love is pure and it doesn’t necessarily has to be between a male and a female. What matters is the existence of love and how love makes life colorful.


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