Motorola’s advertisement for its Blur phone exploits Megan Fox’s beauty in order to promote the product. Right from the beginning of the video, you see Megan sitting in a bathtub semi-exposed. She takes a picture of herself with the Blur after noting how easy it is to keep up with all her social networks, and then considers the possible consequences of sending it out. The advertisement then employs humor by showing relationships ending because of the results of the picture. Moreover, it also shows people being distracted by the picture and bad things happening because of it. Cleverly, the advertisement turns back to Megan, who says “probably nothing.” There is a noticeable balance of humor and sex appeal in this advertisement, two common elements of modern commercials. Although the phone’s features and costs are not emphasized in the commercial, it’s likely that some possible consumers, both men and women, will be interested in researching further the phone because they’ll probably remember the commercial after seeing it. The commercial is able to appear to both men and women with the humor it presents, but especially to men because of Megan Fox and her attractiveness. This advertisement is simple, funny, and gets the product some exposure. Hopefully for Motorola, it will also stay with viewers after they see it, furthering the chance of increased sales.
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