This print ad is an advertisement for diesel. The ad catches the viewer's eye by putting an attractive man and woman on a beach. The man seems to be rubbing lotion on the woman's back. This draws the viewer in and makes him or her want to know more about the product. After a closer look, the viewer sees that the ocean is on top of Mt. Rushmore. The viewer also notices that in one corner of the page the phrase "global warming ready" appears and in the other is Diesel's logo. This scene can have varying effects on the viewer. The effect diesel is going for is the reaction that using diesel will make the entire world a tropical paradise. Mt. Rushmore is in the middle of North America and is nowhere near an ocean, so what diesel is trying to say is that maybe global warming is a good thing because it will bring us beautiful scenes like the one in the ad. This would work on the gullible viewer. The other possible reaction is of course the negative one. People could see through the past the attractive couple and the beautiful weather and see that the chances of a breath taking scene like this forming around Mt. Rushmore is extremely unlikely. Many people feel that global warming is a serious problem that needs immediate attention. The people with these passionate values would not approve of this ad, but those who may not be educated could see using diesel as an opportunity to morph the world into a tropical paradise. This uneduacated group would be Diesel's target audience. The company hopes to take advantage of the group by promotiong an extremely unlikely scenario. The success of the advertisement depends completely on the viewer's perception of the scene.
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