Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Primary Source #2
GEICO; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-cL_504mtM

We start off, with a lizard and a man having a lunch together. They tend to discuss their business, while they're having their lunch. The lizard starts to take out his phone(we don't actually see him(lizard) taking it out), but then the lizard starts to talk about him getting an email from his office saying their business is doing good and the man starts to ask the lizard how are you carrying that phone. Just when the man ask the question, the waiter comes and the lizard says "Nope nope I got this sir" and then the man gives the lizard a weird face(has how is he going to pay). Meaning the lizard is going to pay the lunch, but again all we see him with the wallet, but not actually him taking out the wallet. As you can tell there are patterns, on how we are viewing. Meaning that we don't actually seeing the lizard himself taking out the phone or the wallet. The anomalies for this ad, is the fact that the lizard is speaking(in Australia accent), is the owner/manager of Geico business, is cartoon(fiction), and also carrying objects that are bigger than him(like wallet/phone).
Who can or can not understand this video? Well, first you have to speak English to understand the video and you also have to understand what they are taking about and at the same time viewing it.
This ad is trying to say that their insurance are good insurance, because the people who is in their insurance love their service they give.


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