Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Van Dril: Post 2

This is an advertisement for a Ford Focus ST and in the advertisement there is a tablecloth attached to the back of the car and a nice dining table set up behind it. The table is still perfectly set up candles and all essentially implying that the car took off so fast with the table cloth that there wasn’t enough force to set an object into motion. Also in the bottom left corner there is a warning box that says “Warning: This vehicle may give you personal freedom” and on the right is the make of the model of the car along with Ford’s motto and logo.
This adverstisement is playing to the knowledge of people that are well educated and able to drive. This is due to the fact that the majority of people understand Newton’s first law of physics which states that an object not in motion will stay that way unless an external force is put on it so the objects stay on the table because of this rule if the tablecloth is taken out from underneath fast enough. So this is showing the speed and acceleration of the Ford Focus, which is an attraction to men more than woman. The part of the advertisement that appeals more to women than men is the box on the bottom left. Women want to make sure they have all this creative energy that they want to get out and Ford is claiming that this car will help them do this. Ford is trying to be sure to appeal to both men and women in this advertisement and to show that the car has everything you could want in a car, speed and personal freedom.


  1. Nice, I like the fact that you applied science, gender and the personal needs of the two gender for the car. Meaning that you are applying or the ad is applying that both male or female can drive this car.

  2. I like this primary source. I think that you are very right in saying that it targets both men and women. Also, the personal freedom could be taken as freedom to get away from reality. It could be freedom to do what you want and not depend on another person which would help relate it to our theme. I think you could do a lot with this source.
