Sunday, November 14, 2010


The title of blog we chose is “Relationships: Why are they so difficult?” It is hosted by blog-city. The main website is about relationships. It has a number of various topics but our group decided to focus on the topic of flirting. According to the authors “The purpose of this site is to allow you to express how you feel. It’s not to determine whom is right or wrong.”

This topic relates to the theme “Breaking Down the Rhetoric of Love in Pop Culture” because flirting is directly related to love and relationships. Flirting is the beginning step in relationships. The blog relates to a large group of viewers but also is directly related to our age group.

The blog gives flirting advice for many different situations. There are multiple writers so the posts vary from short and informal to lengthy and formal. The authors all present ideas in a way that is easy to understand without being influenced. The authors are saying what the think without any judgment.

Don’t forget when reading to keep in mind the purpose of the blog.

Some of our questions are:

-What is the purpose of flirting?

-Where is the line in flirting?

-When is flirting okay? How far is too far?

-What do you consider to be flirting?

-What is the difference between flirting with someone you are friends with and flirting with someone you’re interested in?

Jacob Alber

Megan Yost

Tamar Truelsch

Sharmarke Ali


  1. One of the blogs i found interesting was "Women Use Flirtatious Behavior to get what they Want". In this blog, the author states how women sometimes don't know where to draw the line. I agree that sometimes women flirt to get what they want and if flirting helps a women get what she wants, then I think she should go for it. I do think women know where to draw the line though. I think that if one is in a relationship, then they should not flirt with other people.

  2. I read the post titled "Women Use Flirtatious Behaviour To Get What They Want". This post was extremely short and to the point. It was hard to get a sense for what the reader was trying to say. I do agree, to some extent, that women will be flirtatious with no intent of persuing a guy...and that I can see how this could be misleading or confusing for the male. I think the author brings up an interesting point that could be built upon with much more evidence, support, and examples.

  3. I think one of the most interesting questions asked or posted on the blog was "When is flirting okay? How far is too far"? In my opinion I think flirting is a natural thing, its just like saying hi to someone. I think flirting is acceptable at anytime even if someone is in a relationship. When you flirt it can boost your ego or self-esteem, making you feel better about yourself. If you are aware that someone is in a relationship as long as flirting doesnt turn into touching and feeling you should be okay. just let your intentions be known to both parties. Flirting is a way of life its apart of many things even networking strategies, for you to stop flirting you must be an anti-social person.

  4. Flirting with your friends is something that is done in a friendly manner. Its nothing serious, just light hearted and meant to have a good time. When you're flirting with someone you are interested in, you are more focused and you tend to just pay attention or pay significantly more attention to that person. You try to get their attention and are just genuinely interested in everything they say. You try to keep the conversation going as much as possible and you may be more affectionate towards them.

  5. I was interested in the article "Women Use Flirtatious Behavior to Get What They Want." I believe this is often true in our society. I have personally witnessed times where a woman or girl will have no interest in a man, but will flirt with him just to get something they want. This is okay as long as the woman knows when to draw the line. Men can end up being hurt by the actions of women. We need to keep in mind though that men sometimes flirt just get something they want as well. So, both genders do it, and each need to know where to draw the line.

  6. I was very interested in the article "Men and women often misunderstand each other's flirtation signals." It talks about how women do not send clear rejection signals and that they send signals even when they aren't interested in the man. I think this shows a lot about our society and how men and women differ. This shows that women don't want to hurt others and therefore flirt with men in a way that they think is harmless. However, the article also says that when women act like this it encourages men to reveal more about themselves. This can be a bad thing because the men reveal themselves and then are hurt by the women. I think women need to learn to control their flirtations more. I agree with Matt in that some women need to make sure they don't cross the line.

  7. I read the article titled "When a Woman is Really Interested" and I found this article interesting because it was talking about what are considered friendly gestures as opposed to gestures that indicate a woman likes you. Though I found some of the examples to be realistic for both, some of the ones for the romantic side seemed to sexual and forward for what most college students would do to someone that they are potentially interested in. I think that this also shows how different people perceive different things as romantically interested or just friends. I found out this because i didn't agree and its common to see some people just being nice and then people take it as flirting where as others don't see it as flirting. Flirting is truly all in the perception that someone has

  8. Flirting is usual yet one needs good knowledge of that before flirting goes out of control and becomes awkward or even offensive. I think it is interesting how the patterns of flirting differ from man to woman and within different culture. Males tend to flirt explicitly using either body language or oral ones yet females tend to flirt implicitel. This might lead to misunderstandings between men and women. Within various culture, things become somewhat different also. While in America flirting is pretty common and is expressed more directly, in Asian countries, flirting is not as common since Asains are more conservative. Asians do not really flirt directly when talking with each other face to face. Yet it is pretty common that Asians flirct indirectly via email/text-messages/letters.

  9. I think that flirting is something that happens naturally to most of us, and many of us might not even realize we are doing it. I think flirting is something that is acceptable and harmless. Flirting only becomes harmful when people's feelings are being hurt or in a situation like in the article about women using flirting to get what they want. Flirting shouldn't be used to get something out of someone else. It should be something that is fun and you do when your out with your friends. I think it crosses the line when you have the wrong intentions in mind

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Sicong Hua

    for me the purpose of flirting is to get in touch with females I like.The line in flirting is the action I make and the words I says.I think when someone like you, it's the best time to flirt.I think I should say something sweet when I am flirting someone.When I am flirting a friend, it's just for fun and when I am flirting a girl I am interested in, I would try to make her happy. I believe flirting is a kind of human emotuional expression and everyone need to express what they think and what they feel. They have rights to choose what they interested so flirting is important for everyone. waht is more, flirting is also based on some certain method, if you don't obey the rules during flirting, you will get opposite results which you don't want to see.

  12. I read into a couple of the different posted on the site and thought that they were all very insightful and precise. I think flirting in society today is more natural occur than it was in the past. Back when courting someone was a long and rigorous process, flirting probably did not seem to be as common. Now that relationships are much easier to come across and normally are jumped into at any given time, flirting just comes naturally. A lot of the time people do not even realize they are flirting or being hit on, which just goes to show the familiarity of society. I think these blogs depict many different views to flirting, such as when is it too much or when to flirt. Topics like this go unknown to many people and with a little knowledge, could help lead many people out of awkward situations.

  13. I see a lot of good comments here and enjoyed reading them! I was specifically interested in what Matt and Claire were talking about regarding misinterpreting signals. On that topic... do you think flirting is just a way that some people act by default? How can it cause problems in friend relationships with the opposite sex when those things are the case? Would that be a situation where they would need to control their flirtatious actions to keep from crossing the line?

  14. I think that flirting can go to far when flirting leads to someone being uncomfortable or when the flirting is directed towards someone who does not want to be flirted with. I think that the purpose of flirting is to get the point across to someone that you are interested or to at least show someone that you are interested. Also, flirting can be used just as a fun thing that gives someone gratitude or pleasure.

  15. I read the article "Women use flirtatious behavior to ge what they want." I believe that this is a mojor issue in our society today. Obviously, this does not apply to all women, but it defiantely does for a fair amount. These women have do not have an understanding of hard work, so they flirt with guys who most likely have a low eslf esteem so that the guys will do things for them. Its all a trick and in the end the guy could really get hurt because of this selfish, rude behavior that some women use every day. Its just wrong.

  16. The topic of flirting has always been a wonder. The article on women using flirtatious behavior really is opinionated. I feel like they put the way woman flirt into one catagory that doesn't really fit all woman. This is seen in some woman but I feel like most woman know how to draw the line when it comes to being something very important. I know many of hard working woman so this article really generalizes woman.

  17. I feel that the purpose of flirting is to show your affection for someone. It may not always be in a totally romantic way as friends can flirt with eachother. I feel that it shows that the person is attracted to the person. The difference between flirting with a friend and flirting with someone your interest in is when your interested in the person you want the flirting to progress into something more. When your just flirting with a friend it's more for fun, and most times you're probably not flirting conciously, it's just a part of who you are. When your flirting with someone you like you want the flirting to spark something and develop into something more. This can cause difficulty to read signs, and figure out what the person actually wants, as I feel people often flirt even when they don't want anything.

  18. I think think that people flirt without even realizing it. People, i think, just start flirting naturally as a human reaction to meeting certain people. I have never really thought about how to flirt so when I was on the blog I decided to read that about that post. It explains how flirting starts with body language that accounts for the 50% of communtion that comes from how our bodies behave. Then secondly comes the way we speak, and then thirdly the actual content that we speak. I found it interesting how we naturally begin flirting before we even process what the person is actually saying.
